‘Whatever your size, shape or fitness level, we will welcome you to Boot Camp and ensure that each session is enjoyable and productive for you. We also promise to make attendance easy and convenient for you, to ensure that you progress to your fitness goals as quickly as possible.’
Friendly Sociable Approach
We provide tailor made outdoor fitness sessions all year round that are both effective and fun for all fitness levels. We get to know our members to ensure that each session is relevant to everyone taking part. New classes and social get-togethers are often prompted by member’s requests so everyone feels part of the club!

Getting Fit and Staying Fit
Our approach to exercise is to make it safe, effective and accessible to all. We also believe that FUN is an essential part of the Boot Camp experience! If you’re having fun, it’s easy to commit to taking part each week and by attending regularly you’ll progress quicker than you think. Every season we introduce a brand new suite of exercise programmes so no two sessions are the same – it keeps you interested and your body guessing!

Beginners to Advanced – Different Fitness Levels
We welcome participants of all ages from complete beginners to regular exercisers, and from new mums to serious weight reducers. Professional instructors are on hand to fully screen new starters and to ensure that each participant works within the appropriate fitness group.